Recent research has revealed that 46% of people still go into work despite being ill. It was also found that 87% of employees blame their workplace for making them ill. Effective handwashing is essential in office environments to help combat sickness, in addition to healthcare establishments, schools and restaurants. In fact, handwashing is essential wherever you are.

To highlight the importance of handwashing, the UN’s 2016 Global Handwashing Day takes place on 15th October. This year’s theme is “Make Handwashing a Habit!” with the aim of fostering a global and local culture of handwashing with soap, whilst also raising awareness of the benefits.


 The average person’s hands carry at least 3,000 different bacteria. You may also be surprised to find that research carried out by hygiene experts from Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), identified that faecal bacteria is present on many everyday objects including 14% of banknotes and 10% of credit cards.

Germs can enter the body in many ways including through our eyes, nose, mouth, and via the food we eat. Soap is essential during the handwashing process as it can help to banish much of this bacteria from our hands.

Top tips for washrooms

Incorporating soap into your washroom is relatively straightforward. Some establishments will opt for a counter mounted soap dispenser, whilst others will use wall mounted solution. Both of these are effective options for limiting the spread of bacteria in a building.

The use of infrared dispensers is also becoming very popular due to their non-touch capabilities. Dispensers which incorporate sensors remove the need for users to touch the tap and then the soap dispenser, which results in less bacteria being transferred around the washroom.


There are many ways to reduce the chances of cross contamination in a washroom. Our team of experts is able to advise on the most effective washroom design, soap dispensers and liquid/foam soap for your needs.

Contact us to talk about any of your needs for your washroom design.

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