On the 19th November 2016 World Toilet Day is taking place and this year they are raising awareness of the importance of suitable sanitation facilities in workplaces across the world, a cause that is also of concern to us at Dolphin. You’d be surprised to hear that of the world’s seven billion people, 2.4 billion people do not have developed sanitation in the workplace and this must change.

In the UK, we are fortunate to have quality toilet facilities available to us at work with many businesses striving to provide pleasant and hygienic washroom facilities for staff – something that we often take for granted.

However, the UK loses £4bn each year due to avoidable illness. With just a few small changes to washroom environments, this statistic could be notably improved. 39% of office workers in the UK also believe that improving office hygiene would increase their level of job satisfaction.


Here are some washroom top tips for a productive and hygienic workforce:

  • Soap
    Surprisingly, the average person’s hands carry at least 3,000 different bacteria. Having soap filled dispensers readily available in the washroom can help combat the bacteria present and stop it spreading.
  • Hand dryers/ paper towels
    Wet hands are more likely to pick up and spread bacteria. Installing hand-drying equipment in the form of paper towels or hand dryers can help reduce this.
  • Regular cleaning and maintenance
    Regular cleaning with professional cleaning products will enhance the washroom’s cleanliness whilst also boosting its lifespan. When designing a washroom, avoiding tight corners on and around the vanity will help your cleaning staff with maintaining a hygienic space.
  • Wet floors
    Locate hand dryers and paper towels dispensers near to the vanity. This reduces the amount of water dripped on to the floor which is important to consider as wet floors tend to collect more dirt.
  • Layout
    This is important when ensuring washroom flow. A good layout allows users to use the washroom seamlessly and quickly, cutting down on queues and providing a stress free experience.

For more information on how you can get involved click here and if you need help designing a sustainable washroom, get in touch with us via our contact page.


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